The Virtual Muser

The Windmills of My Mind

I feel that I am surrounded. Surrounded by silence where even my voice is not heard. I have never excelled at verbal skills, whether this be the reason for my being an introvert or the result of being one. And the more my verbal skills deteriorated, so did my social skills, until they became almost […]

Growing old gracefully

One thing that we all have in common is: growing old. It can’t be denied. Some of us go through it gracefully; others stamp their feet and pull out their hair. Some of us are in denial; others try to meet it head on. I, for one, cannot remember growing old past the age of 19. […]

How to write Canadian

Hello everybody. This is Tom Chambers, from Expats Anonymous.  Today we are interviewing David Lloyd, a Canadian Expat, whose first novel – As I Died Laughing – has been published as an e-book. We thank David for allowing us to reprint this interview on his blog.Tom:  From looking at your personal history, I see that […]

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