The Virtual Muser

When Lolita meets Dr. Frankenstein

This was the original working title of my latest book – When Winter Wind Wears Desert Boots. Why is this original title – When Lolita meets Dr. Frankenstein – nowhere to be seen in the final published copy? Another story to be told. Perhaps if you read the book (if you haven’t already done so), you […]

When Winter Wind Wears Desert Boots

It’s exciting putting out a new book. It’s hard to describe. It all begins with an idea, a small seed, which slowly grows and creates constant turmoil in my mind. The seed becomes a story – and then the story begins to write itself. It is then that I know that a book is inside […]


“So, you want to be a writer?”“Well, yes.”She marked down wannabe. “Actually, I already published a book through eBook Publishers,” I assured her.“eBook Publishers?”“Yes, they just publish eBooks. But this time I want my new book to be published by a more traditional publisher, both in hardcover and eBook.”“Traditional publisher. You will need a literary agent for […]

And now the book: Why I May Still Be Canadian

A few months ago, I was approached by a publisher to turn my blog – Why I May Still Be Canadian – into a book (paperback).“Turn a blog into a book?” I asked myself. “Isn’t that going in the opposite direction?”For blogs seem to be almost an antithesis to the printed word. One rests in […]

The book’s the thing

There are still books out there. Many, many books. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Books have been here for… well, not forever, but for a very long time. More than I can remember, at least, but that’s not saying much.The thing is: the book is quite a clever concept. A bundle of knowledge, strapped […]

Discussions with a Muse

“She never married, you know.”The room was quiet, darker than usual, the only light coming from the glow of the screen. I stopped writing and squinted into the darkness.“Who?” I asked.“S…  You remember S. Your first love?”I remembered. Some things you can’t forget.“Are we using initials now?”“You never know who’s listening,” she answered.“And I thought […]

How to write Canadian

Hello everybody. This is Tom Chambers, from Expats Anonymous.  Today we are interviewing David Lloyd, a Canadian Expat, whose first novel – As I Died Laughing – has been published as an e-book. We thank David for allowing us to reprint this interview on his blog.Tom:  From looking at your personal history, I see that […]

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